
Month 2, Week 1, Day 1

Well, I have officially made it through one month of Medifast! As of today, I have lost 8 lbs. That averages out to be 2 lbs per week. I am pretty please with this result, considering that this month brought me 1) the Superbowl, 2) a yummy trip to New Orleans, 3) Valentine's day, 4) Pasta Night with my girl friends, and 5) dinner at the Rendezvous with some very good friends.

With the exception of those 5 events, I have stayed pretty true to the Medifast diet (plus cocktails!). One thing that I have noticed that is bad is that I am eating more salt. I think I started using more salt b/c I thought the Medifast meals were bland and it gave more flavor to my daily snack of raw celery (snoooooze). Now that I know that I can stick to the plan, this month will be focused on drinking more water (very, very hard for me) and using less salt.

Also, I am going to try to be more cognizant about measuring my lean and green. So far, I have been just eating a pile of greens and whatever size serving meat that is already in the meat package. Only a few times have I actually gotten out the food scale to weigh the cooked meat or used a measuring cup to see if I am truly eating 2-3 cups. I think there have been plenty of days that I have eaten less meat than suggested by the Medifast diet.

People are really noticing me "shrinking" which makes me feel great. Most people say that they can tell I've lost weight by looking at my face and my booty. Though I don't have one of my boo-tay (trust me, be thankful) here is a recent picture of my face:
Those are the two places that really seemed to "blow up" when I got pregnant, so I'm not surprised that they are shrinking first. I can also tell in my stomach, but since it is still not back to fighting shape, I have been wearing blousy shirts most days, so that is not evident to most other people. I'm hoping that by July, I will have a tummy that is fit to be bared on the beach.  I would love to have pictures of me and my little baby girl, proudly smiling in swim suits together on a beautiful beach. 

Well, I'm off to go drink MORE water.  My least favorite part of Medifast, or any diet for that matter... drinking all that dang water and having to go to the bathroom a million times a day.

through thick and thin, Artsy Fartsy

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